
Friday, August 29

Today in Acc Geo we:
Took the 1.1, 1.2, & 1.6 Quiz.  No homework for the weekend!

Today in Algebra 1 we:
Took the 1.1-1.5 Quiz.  No homework for the weekend!


Thursday, August 28

Today in ACC GEO we:
1.  Discussed the 1.2 HW Quiz
2.  Reviewed for tomorrow's quiz:  Review Packet (answers)
3.  HW: 4 problems - Worksheet (answers)

HW Due tomorrow:
          p.9 #13-15, 33, 36, 39
          p.9 #16-21, 23-27, 34
          p.10 #28-32, 40-42
         Postulate Worksheet
         p.17 #12,14,15,17,18,27,29,31,36,40
         Midpoint Worksheet
         p.47 #13,15-18,22,29
         Review Homework (4 problems)

Today in ALGEBRA 1 we:
1. Finished the 1.5 Notes on Square Roots and Sets of Numbers
2. We will review for several moments before the quiz tomorrow.
3.  HW: Finish the 1.5 worksheet (which was on the back of last night's HW) (selected answers)

* The 11am class also looked at a practice quiz.
The answers are: C, F, C, G, A, H, D, J, D, G, B, F, B, and F


Wednesday, August 27

Today in ACC GEO we:
1.  Took a 1.2 Quick Quiz
2.  Completed the 1.6 Notes on the Pythagorean Theorem and Distance Formula
3.  HW: p.47 #13,15-18,22,29 (answers)

*The 1.1,1.2,&1.6 Quiz will be Friday

Today in ALGEBRA 1 we:
1. Took a 1.1-1.3 Quick Quiz
2. Completed the 1.4 Notes on Exponents.  We will work on 1.5 tomorrow
3.  HW: 1.4 Practice B Worksheet (selected answers)

* Reminder: you are welcome to send Mrs. Johnson questions via email if you need help on homework
*The 1.1-1.5 Quiz will be Friday


Tuesday, August 26

Today in Acc Geo we:
1.  Went over homework questions and the 1.1 HW Quiz from yesterday
2.  Started the 1.6 Notes
3.  HW: Midpoint Worksheet (answers)

Today in Algebra 1 we:
1.  Turned-in p.9 and discussed the homework
2.  Completed the 1.2/1.3 Notes
3.  HW Worksheet: 1.2 Problem Solving (all) and 1.3 Practice B (odds) (selected answers)


Monday, August 25

Today in Acc Geo we:
1.  Reviewed the homework from Friday
2.  Took the 1.1 Homework Quiz
3.  Discussed the 1.2 Notes on Segments
4.  HW: p.17 #12,14,15,17,18,27,29,31,36,40 (answers)

Today in Algebra 1 we:
1. Collected the Fraction Worksheet from Friday
2.  Completed the 1.1 Notes on Variables and Expressions
3.  HW: p.9 #17-35 odds, 36 (selected answers)


Friday, August 22

Today in Acc Geo we:
1.  Completed the 1.1 Notes on Postulates and Theorems
2.  HW: p.10 #28-32, 40-42 (answers) & Postulate Worksheet (answers)

Today in Algebra 1 we:
1.  Groups presented solutions to the Problem Solving Homework
2.  We completed a review on working with fractions
3.  HW: Fraction Worksheet (selected answers)


Thursday, August 21

Today in Acc Geo we:
1.  Went over the 1.1 homework from last night.
2.  Continued the 1.1 Notes by discussing subsets of lines, as well as intersection vs. union.
3.  HW: p.9 #16-21, 23-27, 34 (answers)

Today in Algebra 1 we:
1.  Guessed the ages of several people & calculated our accuracy
2.  Groups tried to solve a logic problem involving bunnies!
3.  HW: Your group must complete 3 of the 6 problems that were handed-out in class.  They will be due tomorrow and are the first grade of the semester!


Wednesday, August 20

Today in Acc Geo we:
1.  Started the 1.1 Notes with a discussion on points, lines, and planes
2.  HW: p.9 #13-15, 33, 36, 39 (answers) & turn-in your signed syllabus if you haven't already

Today in Algebra 1 we:
1.  Took a pre-assessment for the material we will cover this semester
2.  Please remember to bring a calculator to math class everyday
3.  HW: turn-in your signed syllabus if you haven't already


Tuesday, August 19

Today in Acc Geo we:
1.  Worked in GSP on an Exploration Worksheet
2.  Took an introductory assessment
3.  HW: finish the GSP Exploration, print the signed syllabus, and complete the scavenger hunt

Today in Algebra 1 we:
1.  Talked through the syllabus
2.  Visited the online textbook
3.  Took a pre-algebra test
4.  HW: print the last page of the syllabus and get it signed


Monday, August 18

Welcome to the first day of class!  Here is what we did today:

Accelerated Geometry:
Talked through the syllabus.  Please have the following turned-in as soon as possible:
             1.  Signed syllabus (print and sign the last page)
             2.  Information sheet
             3.  Scavenger hunt

Algebra 1:
Talked about our favorite numbers, and turned-in information sheets & seating preferences.
 Please listen to the following podcast about numbers.  It's pretty interesting!
            RadioLab Podcast: For the Love of Numbers



Welcome to math class at University High School!  I am excited for another year and I hope you all have a great first day!