
Monday, March 31

Today in Acc Geo we:
Reviewed for the Chapter 9 Test tomorrow!
7am - Ms. Narczewski's Review
8am - Objectives Review (answers)
12pm & 2pm - Review Race (answers)

HW Due tomorrow:
7am  -
p.619 #5,15,17,18
p.625 #8,9,12,19
p.633 #12-15,27-30
p.640 #4-20 evens, 23, 30-42 evens

8am -
p.620 #11-19 odds
p.625 #9,11,15-19 odds, 22
p.634 #17,19,23-29 odds, 35,37
p.644 #1-7, 9, 12-18

12 & 2pm -
p.620 #13-19 odds, 24
p.625 #9-21 odds, 32
p.634 #17-29 odds (skip21),35,39
p.640 #4-20 evens, 23, 30-42 evens


Friday, March 28

Today in Acc Geo we:
7am, 12pm, & 2pm - Mrs. Johnson
1.  Went over 9.6 questions and the 9.4 HW Quiz (12pm &2pm)
2.  Review of the Chapter 9 Objectives (answers)
3.  Groups worked on the Basketball Court Area Problem
4.  HW: p.640 #4-20 evens, 23, 30-42 evens (answers)

8am - Mr. Schachtschneider
1.  Went over the 9.6 HW questions
2.  9.4-9.6 Review Packet in groups (answers)
3.  HW: p.644 #1-7, 9, 12-18 (answers)


Thursday, March 27

Today in Acc Geo we:
1. Went over the 9.6 Notes on Geometric Probability
2.  Discussed the 9.1-9.3 Quiz

7am Ms. Narczeski - p.633 #12-15,27-30 (answers)
8am Mr. Schachtschneider- p.634 #17,19,23-29 odds, 35,37 (answers)
12pm & 2pm Mrs. Johnson - p.634 #17-29 odds (skip21),35,39 (answers)


Wednesday, March 26

Today in Acc Geo we:
All Classes:
Completed the 9.5 Notes on The Effects of Changing Dimensions Proportionally

HW 7am Ms. Narczeski - p.625 #8,9,12,19 (answers & the rest of the notes problems)

HW 8am Mr. Schachtschneider- p.625 #9,11,15-19 odds, 22 (answers)

HW 12pm & 2pm Mrs. Johnson -p.625 #9-21 odds, 32 (answers)

* The Chapter 9 Test will be Tuesday, April 1*


Tuesday, March 25

Today in Acc Geo we:
7am Ms. Narczeski -
      1. Found the area of irregular figures using estimation
      2. Found the area and perimeter of quadrilaterals in the coordinate plane using several different methods
      3.  HW: p.619 #5,15,17,18 (answers)

8am Mr. Schachtschneider-
      1. Found the area of irregular figures using estimation
      2.  Derived the distance formula from the Pythagorean Theorem
      2. Found the area and perimeter of quadrilaterals in the coordinate plane using several different methods
      3.  HW: p.620 #11-19 odds (answers)

12pm Mr. Rickey Orr -
      1. Reviewed the distance and slope formulas
      2. Completed the 9.4 Table with polygon properties
      3. Completed the 9.4 Notes on Perimeter and Area in the Coordinate Plane
      4.  HW: p.620 #13-19 odds, 24 (answers)

2pm Mrs. Johnson -
      1. Reviewed the distance and slope formulas
      2. Completed the 9.4 Table with polygon properties
      3. Completed the 9.4 Notes on Perimeter and Area in the Coordinate Plane
      4.  HW: p.620 #13-19 odds, 24 (answers)


Monday, March 24

Today in Acc Geo we:
Took the 9.1-9.3 Quiz!  We will start 9.4 tomorrow.


Friday, March 21

Today in Acc Geo:
7am - Ms. Simpson
      1.  Went over the 9.1 HW Quiz from yesterday
      2.  Review race in groups (answers page 1 and page 2)
      3.  HW: p.615 #1-11 (skip #5) (answers)

8am, 12pm, & 2pm - Mrs. Johnson
      1.  Went over the 9.1 HW Quiz from yesterday
      2.  Reviewed how to find the area of a regular polygon
      3.  Groups started working on the 9.1-9.3 Review Packet (answers)
      4.  Finish the Review Packet for homework.

* The 9.1-9.3 Quiz will be on Monday*
7am HW Due:
p.594 #11,13,14,23-27 odds, 45
p.594 #15, 17, 18, 36, 48
p.603 #6, 9, 16, 17, 29
p.604 #34,37 and p.609 #9-12,19,20
p.615 #1-11 (skip #5)

8am,12pm,&2pm HW Due:
p.594 #11,12,14,16, 24-34 evens
p.594 #15,17,19,36,42,55
p.603 #15, 16-28 evens
p.604 #34,37 and p.609 #9-12,19,20
9.1-9.3 Review Worksheet


Thursday, March 20

Today in Acc Geo we:
1.  Took HW Quiz over 9.1
2.  Derived the formula for the area of a circle from the area of a regular polygon
3.  Finished 9.2 Notes
4.  Found the area of composite figures (9.3 Notes)
5.  HW: P.604 #34,37 and p.609 #9-12,19,20 (answers)

*There will be a 9.1-9.3 Quiz on Monday, March 24*


Wednesday, March 19

Today in Acc Geo:
7am - Ms. Simpson taught
      1.  Went over the 9.2 Notes on Finding Area of Regular Polygons
      2.  Mrs. Johnson went over the Chapter 6 Tests
      3.  HW: p.603 #6, 9, 16, 17, 29 (answers)

8am, 12pm, 2pm - Mrs. Johnson taught
      1.  Went over HW questions (#17 and #36 in particular)
      2.  Started the 9.2 Notes on Finding Area of Regular Polygons
      3.  HW: p.603 #15, 16-28 evens (answers)


Tuesday, March 18

Today in Acc Geo-
7am: Ms. Simpson taught
      1.  Finished section 9.1 on using the area formulas of Trapezoids, Kites, and Rhombi
      2.  "Tweeted" your favorite thing about class today.  #mathlife
      3.  HW: p.594 #15, 17, 18, 36, 48 (answers)

8am, 12pm, and 2pm: Mrs. Johnson taught
      1.  Finished section 9.1 on using the area formulas of Trapezoids, Kites, and Rhombi
      2.  We didn't "Tweet" anything, because math shouldn't be fun.  #seriousgeometry
      3.  HW: p.594 #15,17,19,36,42,55 (answers)


Monday, March 17

Today in Acc Geo:
7am - Ms. Simpson taught
1. Started Section 9.1 on Areas of Triangles and Parallelograms
2.  HW: p.594 #11,13,14,23-27 odds, 45 (answers)

8am,12pm,&2pm - Mrs. Johnson taught
1.  Started Section 9.1 on Areas of Triangles and Parallelograms
2.  Please brush-up on Trig, so that we can use it to find areas of triangles
3.  HW: p.594 #11,12,14,16, 24-34 evens (answers)


Friday, March 7

Took the Chapter 6 Test!

We will start Chapter 9 after Spring Break.


Thursday, March 6

Today in Acc Geo we:
1.  Discussed review questions from yesterday's worksheet. (#10 and #27)
2.  Continued reviewing by discussing the properties of quadrilaterals
3.  Worked on this Chapter 6 Review Worksheet . You should work on the properties chart tonight. (answers)  Sorry, the answer link wasn't working!  It is fixed now.
4.  HW: p.442 #1-20 (skip #8,11,16,17) (answers)

HW Due tomorrow:
    p.412 #11-23 odds
    p.422 #7,8,11-19 odds, 24-28 
    p.433 #15-31 odds, 35 
    Review Worksheet
    p.442 #1-20 (skip #8,11,16,17)


Wednesday, March 5

Today in Acc Geo we:
1.  Went over the 6.6 HW Questions and 6.4-6.5 HW Quiz
2.  Worked on Review Worksheets in partners
3.  HW: Finish the Review Worksheet and make sure you UNDERSTAND it (answers)

*Reminder: Chapter 6 Test on Friday*


Tuesday, March 4

Today in Acc Geo we:
1.  Took 6.4-6.5 HW Quiz
2.  Discussed 6.6 Notes on Trapezoids and Kites
3.  HW: p.433 #15-31 odds, 35 (answers)


Monday, March 3

Today in Acc Geo we:
1.  Reviewed 6.4 on properties of special parallelograms
2.  Completed the 6.5 Notes on conditions for special parallelograms
3.  Handed-back the 6.1-6.3 Quiz
4.  HW: p.422 #7,8,11-19 odds, 24-28 (answers)