
Thursday Jan 31

Acc Geo-
1.  Review HW (specifically #15)
2.  Practice Quiz & went over it
3.  HW: p.479 #1-15 (ANSWERS)

Alg 1-
1. Started Chapter 6 Test (will finish tomorrow)


Wednesday Jan 30

Acc Geo-
1.  Finished 7.3 Notes
2.  HW: p.475 #11-17 odds, 21, 23, 34
*QUIZ 7.1-7.3 will be Friday*

Alg 1-
1.  Review Assignment: p.430 #1-5, 6-60 every 3
2.  Chapter 6 Test is tomorrow


Tuesday Jan 29

Acc Geo-
1. Went over homework & warm-up (sometimes, always, and never questions)
2. Finished 7.2 Notes on the Golden Ration
3.  Started 7.3 Notes
4.  HW: finish #2-6 in the 7.3 Notes

Alg 1-
1. Reviewed HW & finished #5 from the 6.6 Notes
2.  HW Quiz 6.5-6.6
3.  Went over Quiz 6.1-6.4
4.  HW: 6.6 Problem Solving Worksheet
*Chapter 6 Test on Thursday*


Monday Jan 28

Acc Geo-
1. Went over 7.1-7.2 Notes
2.  HW: p.458 #20,23-33 odds, 44-46 and p.465 # 7 ,9, 11, 19, 25

Alg 1-
1.  Covered all of 6.6 Notes on Graphing Systems of Linear Inequalities
2.  HW: 6-6 Practice B


Friday Jan 25

Acc Geo-
1.  Took Chapter 5 Test
2.  HW: TAKE-HOME Test due Monday.
     Please read the directions carefully

Alg 1-
1.  Went over all of 6.5 on Graphing Linear Inequalities
2.  HW: 6-5 Practice B

Thursday Jan 24

Acc Geo-
1.  Finished Reviewing the 5.5-5.8 Objectives
2.  HW: p.368 #37-61 odds
3.  Chapter 5 Test tomorrow
Homework Due:

    5.5:  p.336 #23-29 odds, 33, 35, 43-55 odds
    5.6:  p.343 #9-27 odds
    5.7:  p.353 #15-35 odds, 41
    5.8:  p.360 #9-23 odds
    Review:  p.366 #1-4, 5-23 odds, 37-61 odds

Alg 1-
1.  Turned in homework 
2.  Took Quiz 6.1-6.4 on Systems of Equations


Wednesday Jan 23

Acc Geo-
1. Reviewed HW and 5.1-5.3 Quiz
2. Went over objectives 5.1-5.3
3. *There has been a change to the original HW: p.366 #1-4, 5-23 odds, 29
  Please do not do #25 and 27 from the HW, they are orthocenter problems.  Tell your friends.

Alg 1-
1. Made a folding organizer detailing the 3 main ways to solve systems of equations.
2. Worked on 4 word problems (worksheet)
3. HW: p.413 #1-19 odds
4. QUIZ 6.1-6.4 will be tomorrow
*HW due tomorrow:

    6-1 Practice B Worksheet
    6-2 Practice B #8, 11
    6-3 Practice B #3-6
    6-3 Practice B #7-10  -or-  p.401 #11-20
    6-4 Practice B
    Review: p.413 #1-19 odds


Tuesday Jan 22

Acc Geo-
1. Reviewed Rationalizing the Denominator & working with Radicals
2. 5.8 Notes on Special Right Triangles
3. HW: p.360 #9-23 odds
*Chapter 5 Test will be on Friday*

Alg 1-
1. Reviewed solving equations with no solutions and infinite solutions
2. Took 6.4 Notes
3. HW: 6-4 Practice B Worksheet
* QUIZ 6.1-6.4 will be on Thursday*


Friday Jan 18

Acc Geo-
1. Covered all of 5.7 on Pythagorean Theorem
2.  HW: p.353 #15-35 odds, 41

Alg 1-
1. Reviewed the 3 main ways of solving systems of equations: graphing, substitution, and elimination
2. Worked on problems in partners
3.  HW: Finish worksheet of problems if not already finished
4.  At the end of class we went over the old quizzes from last week.


Thursday Jan 17

Acc Geo-
1.  Took HW Quiz 5.5
2.  Finished 5.6 Notes on Inequalities in 2 triangles
3.  HW: p.343 #9-27odds

Alg 1-
1.  Finished 6.3 Notes on Elimination
2.  Practiced Elimination problems
3.  HW: 2 choices
     #1: finish p.401 #11-20
     #2: finish 6.3 Practice B #7-10 from yesterday


Wednesday Jan 16

Acc Geo-
1.  Finished 5.5 Notes
2.  HW: p.336 #23-29 odds, 33, 35, 43-55 odds

Alg 1-
1.  Took HW Quiz over 6.1-6.2
2.  Started 6.3 Notes on Elimination (we will finish tomorrow)
3.  HW: 6.3 Practice B #3-6


Tuesday Jan 15

Acc Geo-
1.  Went over homework worksheet & took brief notes on Euler's Line & the 9-point circle
2.  Took 5.5 (#1) Notes on Indirect Proofs
3.  HW:
  7am & 12pm Classes: Extra Proof
  8am: #5 from the Notes

Alg 1-
1. 6.2 Notes on Substituting Systems of Equations
2. HW: 6-2 Practice B #8, 11


Monday Jan 14

Acc Geo-
1.  Took 5.1-5.3 Quiz
2.  HW: Follow this Worksheet & Answer the Questions on Euler's Line & the 9-point circle

Alg 1-
1. 6.1 Notes on Solving Systems of Equations by Graphing
2. Groups finished HW quizzes from last week
3. HW: 6.1 Practice B Worksheet


Friday Jan 11

Acc Geo-
1.  Took a quick quiz on Geo-Profiling
2.  Reviewed the 4 special lines of a triangle and their point of concurrency
3.  HW: Page 2 of Review Packet (Answer Key)
4.  QUIZ 5.1-5.3 will be Monday
HW Due Monday:
  5.1  p.304 #13-17 odds, 24, 28, 31
         p.304 #19, 21 
  5.2  p.311 #14-17,30,32,42
         p.311 #18,19,23-31 odds 
  5.3  p.318 #13-19 odds, 34-37

Alg 1-
1.  Took Chapter 5 Quiz
2.  Continued working on Group HW Quizzes


Thursday Jan 10

Acc Geo-
1.  Took all of 5.3 Notes
2.  Created the Median, Centroid, Altitude, and Orthocenter of a Triangle is GSP
3.  HW: p.318 #13-19 odds, 34-37

Alg 1-
1.  Finished the Applying Linear Functions Worksheet
2.  Partners continued working on the HW Quiz over it.
3.  Partners will finish the quiz tomorrow and take an individual Chapter 5 Quiz (15 questions)


Wednesday Jan 9

Acc Geo-
1.  Took 5.1 HW Quiz
2.  Constructed the 3 angle bisectors in a triangle and explored the incenter of a triangle
3.  Finished 5.2 Notes
4.  HW: p.311 #18,19,23-31 odds
*There will be a 5.1-5.3 Quiz MONDAY Jan 14*

Alg 1-
1.  Went over 5.9 Worksheets
2.  Started the Applying Linear Functions Worksheet #1-5
3.  Partners started HW Quiz over Applying Linear Functions.  Finish tomorrow.


Tuesday Jan 8

Acc Geo-
1.  Finished 5.1 Notes
2.  Completed the GSP Activity *Perpendicular Bisectors in a Triangle*
3.  Started 5.2 Notes on the Circumcenter of a Triangle
4.  We will finish 5.2 Tomorrow
5.  HW: p.304 #19, 21 and p.311 #14-17, 30, 32, 42

Alg 1-
1.  Reviewed the HW Worksheet (focused on #4,6,10,13)
2.  Took 5.9 Notes
3.  HW: 5.9 Worksheets
*NOTE: There will be a Chapter 5 Quiz on Friday


Monday Jan 7th

Welcome Back!
Acc Geo-
1.  Handed out the Chapter 5 Objectives for the next chapter.  There is a copy under the Doc & Files tab.
2.  Completed GSP Activity on constructing perpendicular bisectors
3.  Started 5.1 Notes.  We will finish tomorrow.
4.  HW: p.304 #13,15,17,24,28,31

Alg 1-
1.  Reviewed Chapter 5 (Chapter 5 Recap Worksheet)
2.  HW: Review Worksheet .  Do Your Homework!