
Acc Geo Extras!

Hello Accelerated Geometry!

Here are the ANSWERS to the review worksheet.

Remember: Homework to turn in Monday
2.1  p. 77 #11-39 odds
2.2  p.85 #13-55 odds
2.3  p. 91 #2,3,9,10,23
       p.91 #11-13, 15-20
2.4  p.99 #11-35 odds
       Review Worksheet
       p.103 #1-18


Friday Sep 28

Acc Geo-
Class Summary:
1.  Went over homework (particularly #27,29, and 35)
2.  Corrected HW Quiz 2.1-2.2
3.  REVIEW worksheet in groups (due Monday)
4.  HW: p.103 #1-18
*NOTE: QUIZ 2.1-2.4 will be Monday Oct 1 and all HW from 2.1-2.4 will be collected*

Alg 1-
Class Summary:
1.  Finished 2.7 Notes on Proportions
2.  Finished 2.8 Notes on Percents
3.  HW:  p.124 #9, 12 & p.130 #15-57odds


Thursday Sep 27

Acc Geo-
Class Summary:
1.  Reviewed HW
2.  Did an extension activity on 2.3 about syllogisms (worksheet)
3.  Finished 2.4 Notes on Biconditionals
4.  HW: p.99 #11-35 odds

Alg 1-
Class Summary:
1.  Reviewed HW and took HW quiz 2.6
2.  Started 2.7 Notes on Applications of Proportions
3.  We will finish 2.7 and start 2.8 Notes tomorrow
4.  HW: p.124 #6-8, 14-19, 21-22


Wednesday Sep 26

Acc Geo-
Class Summary:
1.  Took HW Quiz 2.1-2.2
2.  Finished 2.3 Notes
3.  HW p.91 #11-13, 15-20
*QUIZ 2.1-2.4 will be Monday Oct 1*

Alg 1-
Class Summary:
1.  Took all of 2.6 Notes on Proportions
2.  Did Problem Solving 2.6 worksheet in groups and then reviewed as a class.
3.  HW: p.118 #21-41 odds, 44-47, 59-62


Tuesday Sep 25

Acc Geo-
Class Summary:
1.  Went over homework and extra homework examples as a class (p.85 #18,23,30,40 together)
2.  Homework quiz 2.1-2.2 has been moved to tomorrow
3.  Started 2.3 Notes through Inductive vs. Deductive Reasoning
4.  HW: p. 91 #2,3,9,10,23

Alg 1-
Class Summary:
1.  Took Quiz 2.1-2.5
2.  HW:  Fill out the vocab from the 2.6 Notes


Monday Sep 24

Acc Geo-
Class Summary:
1.  Review 2.1 HW (especially #23 and #33)
2.  Took all of 2.2 Notes
3.  HW: p.85 #13-55 odds
*Note: HW Quiz 2.1-2.2 tomorrow*

Alg 1-
Class Summary:
1.  Review HW and took HW Quiz 2.5
2.  Reviewed Consecutive Integer problem (p.97 #64-66)
3.  Finished p.152 #4-34 evens and went over answers together
4.  HW: p.113 #1-25 all (pay close attention to #20)


Friday Sep 21

Acc Geo-
Class Summary:
1.  Reviewed Section 2.1 and summarized the notes from the textbook
2.  Worked on Challenge 2-1 in groups (focusing on patterns in Pascal's Triangle)
3.  HW: p. 77 #11-39 odds (please check your answers before you come to class Monday)

Alg 1-
Class Summary:
1.  Reviewed 2.5 Notes from yesterday and any HW questions (specifically p.103 #64)
2.  Finished 2.5 Notes
3.  HW: p.109 #11-27 odds
*NOTE:  QUIZ 2.1-2.5 will be next Tuesday, Sep 25th*


Thursday Sep 20

Acc Geo-
Class Summary:
1.  Took Logic Quiz
2.  HW:  Read section 2.1 in the textbook.  Make sure you take notes of the definitions and any questions you have.  We will go over section 2.1 tomorrow and work on problems.

Alg 1-
Class Summary:
1.  Finished 2.4 Notes
2.  Started 2.5 Notes (#1-5)
3.  HW: p.103 #25-35odds,53,63,64,69,70
           & p.109 #8,9


Wednesday Sep 19

Acc Geo-
Class Summary:
1.  Went over Matrix Logic HW and HW Quiz from yesterday
2.  REVIEW for quiz tomorrow
3.  HW:  Finish the review

Alg 1-
Class Summary:
1.  Reviewed HW
2.  Finished 2.3 Notes
3.  Took 2.3 HW quiz
4.  Started 2.4 Notes on Consecutive Integers (#12 & #13 on the notes)
5.  HW: p.96 #43,45,58,59,71-73


Tuesday Sep 18

Acc Geo-
Class Summary:
1.  Went over the answers to the HW on Syllogisms (focused on shading)
2.  Took HW Quiz over Analogies and Venn Diagrams
3.  Finished Matrix Logic Notes (except 1st hour, we will finish tomorrow)
4.  HW:  1st hour- Front Page of Matrix Logic Worksheet
               2nd and 6th hours - Pick 6 problems from the Worksheet (must do #6 or #8 at least)

Alg 1-
Class Summary:
1.  Reviewed HW and took a Homework Quiz over 2.1 & 2.2
2.  Started 2.3 Notes (we will finish tomorrow)
3.  HW:  p. 96 #30-36,42,47,74,75


Monday Sep 17

Acc Geo-
Class Summary:
1.  Took notes on Syllogisms
2.  Went over any questions from the Chapter 1 Test
3.  HW:  worksheet on Syllogisms

Alg 1-
Class Summary:
1.  Finished 2.1-2.2 Notes
2.  Went over questions on the Chapter 1 Test
3.  HW:  p.80 #49-61odds, 73-77odds & p.87 #23, 37-45odds, 55-59odds, 81, 90-93


Friday Sep 14

Acc Geo-
Class Summary:
1.  Exchanged HW with a partner and took their analogy quiz.  The best analogies will go in the notes for next year's class.
2.  Finished notes on Venn Diagrams
3.  HW:  worksheet creating your own Venn Diagrams and correct the Chapter 1 Test

Alg 1-
Class Summary:
1.  Took Chapter 1 Test and Chapter 2 pre-assessment
2.  We will start Chapter 2 - Solving Equations on Monday


Thursday Sep 13

Acc. Geo-
Class Summary:
1.  Took notes on Analogies
2.  Practiced creating problems in groups
3.  HW: (see the last page of the notes) Create 8 of your own for someone else to solve.

Alg 1-
Class Summary:
1.  Reviewed HW Quiz 1.6-1.7
2.  Started working on p.62 #1-89  (went over #89,88,75, and 66 as a class)
3.  HW:  Finish p.62 #1-89  and look-up the following definitions

  1. Absolute Value
  2. Coefficient
  3. Constant
  1. Evaluate
  1. Input
  1. Output
  1. Natural Numbers
  1. Whole Numbers
  1. Integers
  1. Rational Numbers
  1. Irrational Numbers
  1. Reciprocal


Wednesday Sep 12

Acc Geo-
Class Summary:
1.  Took CHAPTER 1 TEST! (yes)
2.  HW: please look-up what the following things are:
                               analogies, Venn Diagrams, syllogisms, and matrix logic.

Alg 1-
Class Summary:
1.  Reviewed parts of the coordinate plane and graphing points
2.  Finished 1.8 Notes (Introduction to Functions)
3.  Took HW quiz over 1.6-1.7 (we will discuss it tomorrow)
4.  HW:  p.57 #17-31 odds, 35, 36, 39, 43, 50  (please check the odds in the back of the book tonight, we will only go over the evens tomorrow in class)

*Reminder:  Chapter 1 Test is Friday


Tuesday Sep 11

Acc Geo-
Class Summary:
1.  Reviewed HW and then took HW QUIZ 1.4
2.  Began working on the Review Assignment
3.  HW: p.60 #1-24, 32-37
Alg 1-
Class Summary:
1.  Reviewed Homework, specifically #59
2.  Took 1.7 (2) Notes on Perimeter Problems
3.  HW: Enrichment 1-1 (pick 15)


Monday Sep 10

Acc Geo-
Class Summary:
1.  Reviewed 1.4 HW from the weekend, specifically #24, 34-37, 41, and 45
2.  Finished parts of 1.4 Notes
3.  Went over questions on QUIZ 1.1, 1.2, 1.6
4.  HW: p.64 #1-14, 19-21

Alg 1-
Class Summary:
1.  Practiced grouping numbers to make mental math faster.
2.  Took all of 1.7 Notes
3.  HW:  p.49 #1, 27-41 odds, 44, 46-51, 55, 58-62


Friday Sep 7

Acc Geo-
Class Summary:
1.  Reviewed HW from Thursday night (specifically #30, #34, & #47, these were challenging problems)
2.  Took the 1st page of 1.4 Notes
3.  HW:  There are four parts to the homework for the weekend
  • 1.  p.32 #14-26, 29, 34-37, 39-42, 45
  • 2.  Correct your QUIZ 1.1, 1.2, 1.6 (if necessary)
  • 3.  Finish filling in the table from the 1.4 Notes (on complementary & supplementary angles)
  • 4.  optional:  GSP exploration
Algebra 1-
Class Summary:
1.  Reviewed the basics of Order of Operations
2.  Finished 1.6 Notes
3.  HW: p.43 #1, 26-47 by 3, 50-59, 67 (at least 4 sentences), 68-70, 75


Thursday Sep 6

Acc Geo-
Class Summary:
1.  Took all of 1.3 Notes on ANGLES
2.  HW: p.24 #13-21 odds, 27, 30, 34-36, 46, 47
3.  We will cover 1.4 - Pairs of Angles tomorrow

Alg 1-
Class Summary
1.  Took 1.1-1.5 QUIZ (grades will be in Skyward by Saturday night)
2.  There is no homework
3.  We will start 1.6 - Order of Operations tomorrow


Wednesday Sep 5

Acc Geo-
Class Summary:
1.  Took 1.1, 1.2, 1.6 Quiz
2.  We will start 1.3 Notes tomorrow.  Please download the notes.

Alg 1-
Class Summary:
1.  Reviewed for the 1.1-1.5 Quiz tomorrow!!
2.  HW: p.39 #1-34


Tuesday Sep 4

Acc Geo-
Class Summary:
1.  Reviewed HW from Friday and discussed how the Distance Formula is derived from the Pythagorean Theorem
2.  Groups worked on this REVIEW WORKSHEET
3.  HW: 1.1, 1.2, 1.6 REVIEW
    Note:  please use this ANSWER KEY to check you answers for your HW worksheet.  You will need to download and save the document for the writing to be clear.

The 1.1, 1.2, 1.6 Quiz will be tomorrow!

Alg 1-
Class Summary:
1.  Reviewed 1.1-1.5 problems from last week and went over 1.4 HW Quiz from Friday
2.  Finished the 1.5 Notes
3.  HW:  p.35 #1, 15-24, 31-37, 56-62


Friday Aug 31

Acc Geo-
Class Summary:
1.  Took a HW QUIZ over 1.2 (focusing on midpoints & bisecting)
2.  Finished 1.6 Notes on the Distance Formula
3. There are 3 parts to the homework for the weekend:

note: Chapter Quiz over 1.1, 1.2, and 1.6 will be next Wednesday Sep 5th

Alg 1-
Class Summary:
1.  Reviewed Exponents and took HW Quiz 1.4
2.  Started 1.5 Notes on Square Roots
3.  We will finish Sets of Real Numbers on Tuesday

note: Chapter Quiz over 1.1-1.5 will be on Thursday Sep 6th